Monday, October 13, 2008

Ready, Set.... Smack you *******!

It never ceases to amaze the ironic behavior of some expats living in this region... I'm not out to make any friends here so excuse me when I say "You don't like it? LEAVE!!!!" I mean all are wonderfully delighted to get better salaries than they would back in their countries where most would never even dream of Dreaming reaching the positions they hold here in the Middle East... If they managed a mere lowly clerk job on a barely there minimum wage it would be nothing short of a small miracle. Now you all parade around with your BMWs or Mercedes.. If you had a freaking Daewoo back home you'd throw a lifetime party! You take your vacations in paradise-like locations when a trip to the local hippy fair would be the highlight of your miserable year!
Why this topic you might wonder... Well... I am an expat, my parents were expats... & unlike the some of the ungrateful lot that currently sits around me... We were & continue to be very grateful for the life that has been made possible for us & our loved ones by making our life in this part of the world.
Now... What really 'chaps my hied' (hint hint on who the ungrateful curs are)... Is when said brilliances decide to mouth off their delightful insights about the very hands that feed them... Oooooo yeah.. I'm fuming!! Typing furiously on my computer to avoid standing up & throwing my computer tower at their insolent heads & see if it'll bounce off! If any of the specific individuals had half a brain they would realize that a few rows behind them sit a few um... 'nationals' that may overhear their ranting & perhaps disagree if not worse... I mean... Um... Turning the other cheek is not a tradition here! I certainly do no subscribe to turning my cheek!!
You freakin MORONS!!!! Come payday just remember that it is a Local person who is giving you your salary... & it is a local who is expediting your paperwork, dealing with your problems & complaints... Usually with a smile & a sense of urgency. For unlike you... The locals are living in the illusion that they are doing you a world of good & that you (ungrateful cur) are as happy & as proud to be here!! Umm... Think again nationals... They secretly hate your guts & resent the fact that they have no other choice!

Naturally... This dose NOT APPLY to every single individual... I'm not mindlessly throwing out accusations to random individuals who in fact know the meaning of honor & value the humans around them... No... This is being written out to very SPECIFIC individuals who are sitting WAY TO CLOSE for my comfort.. Or should I say... THEIR comfort!! If only they knew what I know... Hehehehe
Perhaps better to keep your mouths Shut?...


maha said...

i sOo know what u mean, and i'm one of those "nationals" lol
i remember i had teachers at school that used to bitch about being here,and i remember thinking "so why the hell did u just renew your contract if youre so miserable?" ok i do it too, but its my country, i can do that :P plus i have no other choice!
hehe, anyhow, if any keyboards get thrown around, make sure you have someone filming it cuz i wanna SEE!!!
p.s. like that scene in "wanted" if u haven't seen it yet, u'll know what i mean when u do ;P

Anonymous said...

ooooooo Yeah NOW THAT is EXACTLY what Im talking about!! & watch their teeth fly off & keys spell out F*** YOU MotherF******...
Ok... ummm slightly obscene I know... It's a blogg I Can do tht!